Tarsus Waterfall

Tarsus Waterfall, the water level in the region of Berdan approximately 5 meters of decrease with the decline of the region was used as a graveyard in the Roman period. When you reach the area, the damaged stones in the active part of the waterfall will attract your attention. These stones were carved in ancient times and used as graves, but over time they have been destroyed by the flow of the waterfall.

In the vicinity of the waterfall there are a lot of restaurants, picnic areas and restaurants. Here you can enjoy a peaceful waterfall listening to the peaceful waterfall and you will be able to stay in this area that smells of history and nature. Today the region is a promenade area.

The waterfall attracts a great number of tourists in the summer months as well. According to some rumors, the tombs were destroyed and then exploited by the treasure hunters. For this reason you will be able to encounter many rocks around. But to our credit, these tombs are extremely worn and damaged. The breathtaking views from the ancient times and the magnificent view of the waterfall lead to a lot of tourists.

You can find many recreational areas and restaurants around the waterfall. The picnic areas are also highly interested by the sight. On your visit to the waterfall, you can start a pleasant breakfast and start a pleasant day against this wonderful view. Does not it sound great to you to start the sun with juices, pancakes and village breakfast? You can make these breakfasts in various restaurants in the district and taste different flavors.

Tarsus Waterfall

Tarsus Waterfall Picnic Areas

Those who do not prefer restaurants around the waterfall for food can also eat their own meals in the picnic areas, and even if they do, they can burn their banquets and take the culmination of nature.

Our previous article Yeşildere Waterfall and Crying Rock in our article titled Waterfall provides information about.

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