Galata Tower, one of the most spectacular scenes of Istanbul, attracts attention with its very different structure and architecture. Galata is basically the name of a region, and the name of the tower here is Galata Tower.
Before the conquest of Istanbul by the Ottomans, the Genoese had commercial dominance in this region. The trade that developed under the influence of the Roman and Byzantine Empires, came to an important point with the influence of the Genoese. This area, which was used as a commercial colony of the Genoese between 1273 and 1453, was built with the aim of seeing all the points of the city. And it can be said that there are great advantages too. It has been used for many purposes, especially with the influence of the fortress walls. It can be said that it was built not only to observe the trade columns but also to see the enemies at the same time.
Galata Bridge has been restored many times. The first construction was made by the Byzantine Emperor Anastasius in 528 as a lighthouse tower. However, this tower was damaged by the Latin during the Fourth Crusade between 1202 and 1204, and unfortunately it was destroyed.
The altitude of the Galata Bridge is about 67 meters. And the thickness of each wall is about 3.5 meters. In addition, this tower was constructed as 9 floors, each of which is considered as a normal apartment building. There are windows and floodlights on every floor. Although the top floor is a small place to stay, it is used by tourists to view the scenery.
In the last years of the Ottoman period it was restored and used as Fire Monitoring Tower. And it has been used for a long time in this way. Located at the most magnificent place of the Bosphorus, this tower is also very close to the Galata Bridge. The fact that it is located at a transitable distance on both sides makes this tower strategically important.
Every year, thousands of local and foreign tourists go to the top of this resort and spend their time with their loved ones and watch the unique view of Istanbul.
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