A Taste of Heaven Turkish Delight

Turkish delight, which is the subject of many filmes and books, has an important place among Turkish delicacies. With different shapes and sizes you will taste your delightful delights that will take your mind from your head and grow up with its taste. Are you ready to live a wonderful experience with Turkish Delight with a variety of gummy, strawberry, framboz, kiwi or banana varieties? On your visit to Turkey, we can easily say that you will get one of these packages when you return to your country.

Turkish Delight

History of Turkish Delight

Turkish Delight, which dates back to the Ottoman Empire, is considered one of the most important candies of the 17th century. These candies which are exported all over the world are highly praised. Many historical sources refer to Turkish Lokum. Among the traditional Turkish foods, Turkish Delight has many different forms. And you can find the big ones you want.

Ottoman Delight

How can Turkish Delight be served and how to eat it?

Turkish Delight is a product made with flour and sugar. It can be customized by adding different fruit particles or dried fruit particles. It can also be served next to different products. It is usually served mixed with flour. And it is used as catering. Generally, when offered, 1 or 2 are taken. Getting more is not considered to be an appropriate move.

Turkish Delight

Turkish lokum is usually used as a guest. It can be offered by both sides. So it can be served both by the host and the guest.

If you have not met this wonderful flavor of Turkish cuisine yet, it is time. You can choose one of the thousands of groceries to taste Turkish Delight right now.

Turkish Delight

Our previous article Turkish Tea Sign of Friendship in our article titled turkish tea ve Turkish Tea Sign of Friendship provides information about.

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